Update: Addressing the Gap of Gender-based Violence Phase 11: Refocus Perpetrators Programme (RPP)

In continuing the project there were partnership meetings (15) with the Restorative Justice team and with Jamaica Mental Health Advocacy Network (JaMHAN) – 30 – to plan, coordinate and implement the psycho-educational component of the RPP. Further activities included:

  1. Recruitment & Onboarding of Programme Coordinator
  2. A clinician training workshop (9) from St Ann, St Catherine, St Mary and Kingston & St Andrew
  3. two sensitization sessions to sensitize the DVI Centre managers from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (8) managers from the parishes of St Ann, St Catherine, St Mary and Kingston & St Andrew
  4. Administration of Biopsychosocial assessments to assess biological, psychological and social factors that contributed to the participant (50) becoming a perpetrator
  5. Reprinting of GBV Knowledge products
  6. REFOCUS Perpetrators Programme brochure developed.